Sunday, January 5, 2020

Conservation of Energy Lab Essay - 1536 Words

FREE FALL AND CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY ABSTRACT Free fall is defined as the ideal falling motion of an object that is subject only to the earth’s gravitational field. To prove the law of conservation of energy, the free fall motion of an object can be represented through 3 different analyses; position of the object vs. time, velocity of the object vs. time, and acceleration of the object vs. time. It is observed in this ball toss experiment, at any point during the free fall period, the system contains the same total amount of mechanical energy. This amount is the sum of kinetic and gravitational potential energy. FREE FALL AND THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY The law of conservation of energy states that the total amount of†¦show more content†¦Comparison – Position – Compare the coefficient of t ² to the actual value of  ½g | Coefficient of t2 (m/s2) |  ½ g (m/s2) | Percentage of Comparison | Trial 1 | -4.739 m/s2 | -4.9m/s2 | 3.3% | Trial 2 | -4.733 m/s2 | -4.9m/s2 | 3.4% | Trial 3 | -4.793 m/s2 | -4.9m/s2 | 2.2% | Trial 4 | -4.751 m/s2 | -4.9m/s2 | 3.0% | Trial 5 | -4.746 m/s2 | -4.9m/s2 | 3.1% | AVERAGES: | -4.752 m/s2 | -4.9m/s2 | 3.0% | ***There is a 3% difference when comparing the position vs. time value of ‘g’ to the constant of g. Comparison – Velocity – Compare the coefficient of t (value of s. timeifference when comparinght..represent the minimum f=e it was tossed - to Normal. in these systems remains consrepresented with ‘m’ slope) to the actual value of g | Coefficient of t (m/s2) | g (m/s2) | Percentage of Comparison | Trial 1 | -9.467m/s2 | -9.8m/s2 | 3.4% | Trial 2 | -9.385m/s2 | -9.8m/s2 | 4.2% | Trial 3 | -9.406m/s2 | -9.8m/s2 | 4.0% | Trial 4 | -9.421m/s2 | -9.8m/s2 | 3.9% | Trial 5 | -9.494m/s2 | -9.8m/s2 | 3.1% | AVERAGES: | -9.435m/s2 | -9.8m/s2 | 3.7% | ***There is a 3.7% difference when comparing the velocity vs. time value of ‘g’ to the constant of g. Comparison – Acceleration – Compare the consistency (represented as the median value) of the statistic line in each trial | ‘a’ from graph(m/s2) | g(m/s2) | Percentage of Comparison | Trial 1 | -9.444m/s2 | -9.8m/s2 | 3.6% |Show MoreRelatedThe Conservation Of Energy Lab Essay1158 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: For the conservation of energy lab three experiments were performed. Terrestrial Gravitation Acceleration, First Law of Thermodynamics and Centripetal Acceleration vs. First Law of Thermodynamics. Each of the experiments demonstrated the importance of the first law of thermodynamic and how its present on our daily lives. Therefore, reinforcing the importance of thermodynamics concepts and their role in our society. 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