Saturday, December 28, 2019

Modern State Of The People s Republic Of China - 1908 Words

Since 1949, the developed intrusive modern state of the People’s Republic of China or â€Å"PRC† has increasingly incorporated rule from Beijing over the autonomous region of Xinjiang, an area that used to be populated with over 95% Muslim Turkic-speaking residents known as the â€Å"Uyghurs†. Though the Uyghurs speak and practice their own language and culture, they are politically citizens of the PRC and the use of terms such as â€Å"Han† and â€Å"Uyghur† people, are only used as constructions to generalize groups that are contradictory. With migration of Han Chinese flowing into this area and conductive extraction of rich natural resources, the state of Xinjiang has become a transnational bridge to bring in both globalization and diversity to the Uyghur†¦show more content†¦The PRC has recurrently emphasized the importance of interethnic integration of the Uyghurs into a Han dominated society. Regardless, the Uyghurs see this as otherw ise a way of being oppressed and undermined by the central government. Compared to the Muslims that are living in eastern and central China, the Uyghurs â€Å"face more restrictions on their religious expression and way of life† (Poh) such as praying in schools, women being criticized on wearing headscarves, and even studying the Qur’an in Arabic is controlled. Furthermore, since more Han Chinese have been moving into the Xinjiang area, economic contingencies as well as the dominant use of Han Chinese has been â€Å"gradually phased out in most educational institutions in Xinjiang† (Poh). While Beijing has incessantly asserted that the developments made to the area has significantly improved the Uyghur’s livelihood, the minority group cannot help but to still resonate the deep-seated bitterness stemmed from â€Å"decades’ worth of discrimination, perceived religious and cultural suppression, and economic disparities† (Poh). These increasin g ethnic tensions have resulted in significant inter-ethnic violence in Xinjiang such as the 2009 riot in Urumqi where fights against the Uyghurs and the Han Chinese police force broke out all from protesting the equality for Uyghur working institution. Another deliberate event which the police have been criticizing it as a â€Å"terrorist† attack is the

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