Sunday, February 9, 2020

PD Plans and PD Portfolio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

PD Plans and PD Portfolio - Assignment Example However, after reviewing all the options that are available in the field of marketing, I have decided to pursue my career as the head of brand and product management department and I want to render my services in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry. My aim is to work in any of the well-reputed Multinational Corporations and for that I will definitely incorporate all the necessary skills and knowledge achievements in my PDP.  I have decided about the objectives that I want to achieve through my PDP so that I can enter the professional world equipped with all the mandatory skills to make a prospering career in my selected profession. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand of marketing professionals will continue to increase at an accelerating rate.  Therefore, the field of marketing will be more competitive in near future and in order to get qualified for the best positions in the well-reputed organizations, the graduates will have to make sure that they h ave competitive edge over their competitors. Hence, the graduates will have to prepare themselves for their career well in advance by developing their PDP during their academic years so that they can give a tough competition to other graduates (Moon, 2004).When I was considering the options for my career, I never gave a thought of making my career in the marketing field. Initially, I wanted to enter the field of Arts as I love to do a lot of creative works and it helps me to do something innovative on my own.... The best job options in the field of marketing are advertising, product development, brand and product management, global portfolio management, business to business marketing, international marketing, retail management, project planning, new product planning, marketing research, Sales and sales force management and marketing management science and systems analysis (All Business Schools, 2009 and Eller College, 2010). However, after reviewing all the options that are available in the field of marketing, I have decided to pursue my career as the head of brand and product management department and I want to render my services in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry. My aim is to work in any of the well-reputed Multinational Corporations and for that I will definitely incorporate all the necessary skills and knowledge achievements in my PDP. I have decided about the objectives that I want to achieve through my PDP so that I can enter the professional world equipped with all the mandat ory skills to make a prospering career in my selected profession. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand of marketing professionals will continue to increase at an accelerating rate. Therefore, the field of marketing will be more competitive in near future and in order to get qualified for the best positions in the well-reputed organizations, the graduates will have to make sure that they have competitive edge over their competitors. Hence, the graduates will have to prepare themselves for their career well in advance by developing their PDP during their academic years so that they can give a tough competition to other graduates (Moon, 2004). When I was considering the options for my career, I never gave a thought of making my

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